Dost Education, in collaboration with Ekstep Foundation, is launching an immersive photographic micro-site called “Baatien, Sneh, Khel” (Talk, Care, Play) that showcases the photo-stories of responsive caregiving moments in the everyday lives of six different families in Uttarakhand. This is an opportunity to foster conversations on the importance of responsive caregiving and parental role in early childhood care and education through an immersive photo exhibition!

Many research papers delve into the concept of "responsive caregiving" and its importance. Despite this, responsive caregiving remains shrouded in mystery. Do we know what this looks like in the everyday lives of a family in India and the science behind it? To answer this question and demystify the concept of responsive caregiving, we embarked on a journey to capture responsive caregiving moments across families in Uttarakhand! And now we are ready to show the world the moments of talk, care, and play we captured!

The project covers the stories of six diverse families from Uttarakhand hailing from various districts, terrains, education levels and occupations. From a family of architects in urban Dehradun to a playful family living in a hill village; from a Nepali family living in a cantonment area to a family where the mother herself is an Anganwadi worker; the website showcases these diverse stories that are all connected by the untapped motivation within the caregivers to shape their child's early development and lifelong learning!